13 其他变更
1. Core
- NaN 和 Infinity 转为整型的时候,始终为0, 而不是未定义或平台依赖.
- 调用non-object的方法不再抛出fatal error, 而是抛出catchable error; (RPC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/catchable-call-to-member-of-non-object)
- Error messages for zend_parse_parameters, type hints and conversions now always say "integer" and "float" instead of "long" and "double".
- Output buffering now continues to work for an aborted connection if ignore_user_abort is set to true.
- Zend Extensions API was extended with zend_extension.op_array_persist_calc() and zend_extensions.op_array_persist() handlers. They allow to store (or reset) associated with op_array addition information in Opcache Shared Memory.
- zend_internal_function.reserved[] array was introduced to allow association of aditional information with internal functions. In PHP-5 it was possible to use zend_function.op_array.reserved[] even for internal functions, but now we don't allocate extra space.
- curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_CERTINFO) returns certificate Subject and Issuer
as a string (PHP >= 7.0.10)